05 February 2010

YOO!! My dear Classmate

YO!! My Dear Classmate ......
how are u all recently ^^
i knew chick and mario studying ..
rainie she recently have model competition ^^ ....
rocky working....
i knew tht all ...
how about another .....
im very extired Chinese New year..
we all going to 拜年。。。
im so miss when we at class tht time tht noisy sound ,playing , laughing every where ..... MISS U ALL ....
KEEP IN TOUCH ...YA ....^^ FROm "fat luan"

1 comment:

  1. 我知道宝仪最近在谈恋爱谈到连看到朋友都一副不削的样子~看到她在leisure mall抱着她男朋友的屁股走街~在康乐pasar malam 走夜市也好像没有床打战这样~哇聊~~看到都XXX~~haha~~
